Sometimes called 'Peer-Reviewed' or 'Refereed' Journals
Popular Magazines Like Time, Newsweek
Sometimes Called 'Grey Literature' Because the Content is In-Between Popular & Scholarly
Authors who wish to publish their research submit the paper to an academic journal.
If the academic journal uses a peer review system then the journal editor sends the article to researchers and scholars who are in the same discipline as the author (the author's peers).
Their job is to review the paper in order to determine if it should be published as an article in the journal.
Why should I care about Peer Review?
Any paper that passes the peer-review process can be considered to have the highest level of academic credibility.
However you will still need to consider the other elements of the Who, Why, When, Where, How and What evaluation criteria. Using relevant and current peer reviewed journal articles to complete your assignments and projects strengthens your arguments.