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Artificial Intelligence (AI): Citing AI

How to use AI tools like Chat GPT effectively and ethically

If you professor allows you to use AI with class assignments, be sure to cite your AI tool (ex. Chat GPT) just like you would a book, article, or other source you consult.  Be sure to check these guides to help you cite correctly and avoid plagiarism:


NOTE: This policy is listed in the 2023-24 Saltire and Academic Catalog.

The use of Artificial Intelligence tools presents opportunities and challenges in the academic realm. Like all tools, it can be used properly and improperly; there are some uses that always run counter to the educational mission of the institution and constitute cheating. Namely, students turning in as their own work essays, homework assignments, or exam answers that were written completely or in part by Artificial Intelligence tools without proper citation constitutes an academic integrity violation.

Individual faculty members may permit Artificial Intelligence tools based on the standards of their academic disciplines and the learning goals of their particular courses. Faculty are required to make clear in course syllabi whether, under what conditions, and for what purposes Artificial Intelligence tools are permitted, as well as include specific citation guidelines appropriate to a particular course or assignment.

Students are required to follow an individual professor's guidelines provided on the use and documentation of Artificial Intelligence tools. Students may be asked to state what program was used, how it was used, and the date it was used. Failure to follow a professor’s guidelines on Artificial Intelligence tools will constitute an academic integrity violation.