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WRT120: Information Sources

You need to understand where your information comes from. Below are common resources.

  • Books and Ebooks - in-depth analysis, published, usually found in databases/library catalog, foundation and background on topics
  • Reference Books - Encyclopedias, Handbooks - introductions and overview of subjects, good place to start
  • Scholarly Peer-Reviewed Journals - Articles written by experts, narrowly focused, includes references, abstracts, charts, graphs, etc. - Mostly found in online databases provided by your Library
  • Popular Magazines - for general audiences with short articles written often by journalists (Time, Sports Illustrated, Forbes, etc) Wrtiten usually by journalists employed by magazine
  • Newspapers - short articles covering the most recent news and events (New York Times, Washington Post...) Available in print and online
  • Websites  - easy access to multiple information sites using Google or other search engine sites, but...
  • Social Media - Includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc - not a source of credible information for college assignments
  • Blogs - an online web log which may or may not include credible information - YOU MUST EVALUATE the author, the sources, and the information presented.

  • THINK CRITICALLY about what you find online!
  • EVALUATE SOURCES carefully. Use CARS or CRAP test.
  • Use a variety of SEARCH TERMS.
  • Decide if the information is CREDIBLE and appropriate for an ACADEMIC PAPER.
  • Avoid CLICKBAIT. 
  • Avoid FAKE NEWS.
  • If you're not sure about the information, consult your PROFESSOR or LIBRARIAN, or just don't use it.

Definition of CLICKBAIT

"content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page (Oxford Living Dictionaries)."

Look for ....   You'll never believe what happened...the biggest mistake you can make...stunning photos..this is why...will make you cry/laugh...can't stop laughing...ten five reasons...