Location: Archives hallway, 1st floor
In the early spring of 1975 over a large and long cup of coffee, Mary Dunbar, Frances Frye, Marian Smith, and Ann Williams discussed the possibility of making a quilt to help celebrate the bicentennial in Scotland County. They agreed on a historical theme for the quilt.
Marian Smith consults with Mr. A.B. Gibson, retired superintendent of Scotland County Schools and a historian. Together they chose the places and symbols depicting Scotland County history to be represented in the squares of the quilt. Sylvia Rae McLean, a local artist and SA graduate, was asked to sketch the scenes. This was a tremendous undertaking as each square had to be detailed enough to be recognized but not so complicated that it would be too difficult to sew. She did a wonderful job and soon the designs were ready.
Time, circumstances and people changed. For a few years the project was dead. In the fall of 1979, the Dames were asked to take the quilt as a project, but it was not until the next year that they really got to work on it.
The squares were done, not only by the Dames, but also by interested women in the community.
In August 1981, a quilting party was held to complete the project.
Our special gratitude goes to our quilting consultant, Fannie Gibson, whose help and encouragement kept us going. Our thanks, alos, to the following for their time, talent, and materials: Sue Jones, Margaret Moore, Mary Louis Campbell, Annabelle Anstead, Sharon Lee and Alta Mumford.
The Dames Quilting Committee
Patsy Smith, Chairman
Sara Bullock, Ginnie Decker, Frances Frye, Marion Smith, Ann Williams