CARS is an acronym for Credibility, Accuracy, Reasonableness, and Support.
Can you trust this site?
Who wrote it? Is that person or organization reputable? An Authority? What is his/her background or credentials?
What organization sponsored the site? Look at the domain names. Is it .org, .edu, .gov, .com? Domains can be an indication of authority.
Tip: Dig for information under About Us or similar link. Click on the author's name to see more information.
If you can't find who wrote it, don't trust it.
Is the information correct and up to date?
When was it last updated?
Are there broken links?
Tip: Be on the lookout for broken links, misspelled words or lack of quality control.
What is the purpose of the site? Mission of the organization?
Is the Information fair, balanced, objective, and correct?
Is the information one-sided or slanted?
Is it consistent? Is there a conflict of interest?
Tip: Look out for the tone of the language and sweeping statements or inflammatory words (hate, stupid, sucks, etc.)
Does the site indicate sources of support for its information?
Where do statistics come from?
What documentation of sources is included?
Is there a bibliography or links to other sources?
Are there contacts listed?
Tip: Beware of statistics or facts with no reference to a source.