Credibility??? Goal: an authoritative and trustworth source, a source that supplies some good evidence that allows you to trust it.
Look for: author’s credentials, evidence of quality control, known or respected authority, organizational support.
Websites must be evaluated.
Library DATABASES provide CREDIBLE information!
Web page
Lee, J. (1997). Kinship and family ties. Retrieved from
In-text citation (Lee, 1997)
Web page with no author
Kinship and family ties. (1997). Retrieved from
In-text citation ("Kinship and family ties," 1997)
Web page with no date
Lee, J. (n.d.). Kinship and family ties.Retrieved from
In-text citation (Lee, n.d.)
NOTE: APA 6th Edition does not require the DOI or URL when using a Database.
Article found in a database or in print, with one author:
Lastname, F. M. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume (issue), pages.
Pajares, F. (2001). Toward a positive psychology of academic motivation.
Journal of Educational Research, 95(1), 27-35.
A Competitive Advantage Approach (pp. 26–34). Boston: Pearson.